Sunday, February 11, 2007


I've had my Zune for a week now, and it's way cool.

Naturally, I got the brown one. The color reminds me of something, but I can't quite put my finger on it. For some reason, it's cheaper than the black one. I ask you -- who'd pay more for the ugly one? Some people are just dumb, I guess.

I previously had a Creative Zen, but I wasn't happy with the color -- not brown!

I think the Zen was broken in some way, because all of the PlaysForSure music I had on it won't play on my new brown Zune. I called Creative for support, and I guess I got some brain-dead trainee, or something, because he laughed at me and then tried to blame Microsoft! Whatever!

So until I buy all of that music again, I guess I'll have to hang on to the non-brown Zen for a while. Luckily, I found a brown case for it.

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